Worcester Greenstar 4000 24S Lpg Boiler Fault Codes

 Code Category Description Remedy
200 O Boiler in heating mode

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Heating circuit is being heated.

201 O Boiler in hot water mode

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Hot water circuit is being heated.

202 O Boiler in anti-cycle mode

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Anti-cycle mode - this is the standby time between heating demands - default 5 minutes.

– For example, if there is heating demand for 1 minute, the boiler will wait for 4 minutes after the heating demand before firing for a subsequent heating demand. Fault code 202 will be present during anti-cycle mode.

203 O Boiler in standby, no heat energy demand

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Appliance in standby, awaiting a demand request.

204 O Current prim. water temp. higher than set val.

Operating message, is not a fault.

• System waiting. The actual boiler water temperature is higher than the target boiler water temperature. The boiler heat demand is switched off.

208 O Chimney sweep demand

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Chimney sweep mode active.

214 V Fan shut down during safety time

▶ Check the plug on the fan.

▶ Check the connecting lead to the fan.





Maximal flue gas thermostat or heat exchanger maximal thermostat has activated

Maximal flue gas thermostat or heat exchanger maximal thermostat has activated

If the blocking fault persists for a prolonged period, it becomes a locking fault.

▶ Check if the lead is disconnected from the safety temperature limiter/thermostat or the flue thermostat.

▶ Check the high limit of the safety temperature limiter/thermostat or the flue thermostat and the harness for continuity.

▶ Check the flow temperature to confirm actual temperature (may have tripped out at lower temperature, leading to a safety temperature limiter/thermostat or the flue thermostat fault).

▶ Check the system pressure and top up as required.

▶ Check if air is trapped in the system and in the boiler.

▶ Pump seized/not running: check the pump for failure or blockage.

▶ Check if a blockage/restriction within boiler/pipework is restricting the flow

227 V No flame signal after ignition

Tip: Check the ceramic insulator is not damaged, this can cause the spark to earth, twist and pull the ceramic insulator to ensure it is not broken.

▶ Check the gas supply to the property and the inlet on the gas valve.

▶ Check for low pressure when the gas valve opens.

▶ Gas valve failing to open: check for voltage to the valve and for possible blockage on inlet filter of the gas valve.

▶ Obstruction in the air intake to the fan leading to incorrect CO2 ratio.

▶ Condensate siphon is blocked or restricted. Condensate pipe is frozen.

▶ Flue is blocked or restricted.

▶ Heat exchanger is blocked or restricted.

▶ Check the burner for damage.

▶ Check the spark electrode/lead for failure.

▶ Check the flame sense/lead for failure.

▶ Check the rectification ground (black wire to heat exchanger).

228 V Flame signal without flame present

Tip: Check the ceramic insulator is not damaged, this can cause the spark to earth, twist and pull the ceramic insulator to ensure it is not broken.

▶ Check the flame sense and the lead and replace if required.

▶ Check the earth tags on the boiler and on the electrodes.

▶ Check the operation of the siphon and that no water is collecting in the sump.

▶ Replace the gas valve.

▶ Replace the control unit and/or burner control unit.

232 B Boiler locked by external switching contact

External cut off switch not used in UK:

▶ Ensure nothing is plugged into red I3 connection.

233 V Boiler identification module or device electronics faulty

▶ Wrong code plug is inserted.

▶ Check the code plug is not damaged.

▶ Replace the code plug if required.

234 V Gas valve electrical fault

▶ Check the gas supply to the property and the inlet on the gas valve (check drop on inlet).

▶ Check the connections on the gas valve and the board (loose connection).

▶ Check the continuity down harness and replace if required.

▶ Check the voltage to the gas valve (19‒24 V DC approx. when demand).

▶ Check for water on the gas valve connections.

▶ Check the resistance on the gas valve (pins 1‒2 approx. 69.5 Ohms).

▶ Replace the gas valve if resistances are incorrect.

▶ If all tests are correct: replace the PCB.

235 V Conflicting versions of boiler electr. and boiler identification ▶ Replace the code plug or the burner control.
237 V System fault

▶ Check the code plug is not damaged.

▶ Replace the code plug if required.

▶ Replace the control unit (PCB).

238 V Boiler electronics faulty

▶ Check the gas supply to the property and the inlet on the gas valve (check drop on inlet).

▶ Check the connections on the gas valve and the board (loose connection).

▶ Check the continuity down harness and replace if required.

▶ Check the voltage to the gas valve (19‒24 V DC approx. when demand).

▶ Check for water on the gas valve connections.

▶ Check the resistance on the gas valve (pins 1‒2 approx. 69.5 Ohms).

▶ If all tests are correct: replace the PCB.

242 V Boiler electr. system fault

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

245 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

249 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

250 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

251 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

252 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

253 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

254 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

258 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

259 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

262 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

263 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

265 B Heat demand lower than energy supplied

Operating message, is not a fault.

• The boiler's ignition sequence alone is sufficient enough to maintain room temperature.

• The modulating heat demand is higher than the minimum modulation factor of the unit. The unit switches to proportional control.

268 O Relay test was activated

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Appliance in component test mode

269 V Flame monitoring

▶ Restart the appliance to see if the problem re-occurs.

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit (PCB).

273 B Operation of burner and fan interrupted

Operating message, is not a fault.

• The burner and fan have been running continuously for 24 hours and have been shut down briefly for an appliance electronic inspection

281 B Operation of burner and fan interrupted

▶ Check primary system water pressure.

▶ Check for air in the system and vent the pump.

▶ Check for circulation within heating system.

▶ Check hydraulic connections to the pump.

▶ Check wiring and operation of the pump, replace if necessary.

283 O Burner starting

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Burner is starting.

284 O Opening air/gas ratio control valve/oil solenoid valves

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Gas valve is opening.

305 O Boiler in hot water anti-cycle mode

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Anti-cycle mode, domestic hot water post-heat function. Following a domestic hot water demand the boiler runs for 30 seconds or until the target temperature is met.

– Diverter valve is held in the hot water position for a period of time.

– If no domestic hot water demand is requested then check for false demands on the cold water inlet.

306 V Flame signal after closing the fuel supply

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Replace the appliance electronics.

353 O

Test non-volatile lockout

Operating message, is not a fault.

• If the boiler has been operating for 24 hours without a 20-minute off period, the boiler will not respond for a period of time whilst it undertakes diagnostics checks on the fan.

357 O Flame signal after closing the fuel supply

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Venting/air purge program has been automatically activated.

358 O Anti-seizing functn. active

Operating message, is not a fault.

• Blocking protection for the heating pump and diverter valve active.

– The purpose of component kick is to ensure that hydraulic components such as pumps will not get stuck by giving these functional components a “kick”, i.e. they are briefly turned on after a period of inactivity.

– After power up every 24 hours the appliance will do a component kick, where the pump will run for 10 seconds.

– If the appliance is already in a CH or DHW heat request, these heat demands will be prioritised over component kick. But once the heat demand has ended the component kick will take place.

– If this causes nuisance then please power the appliance off and on again at a more suitable time; the daily kick will then occur at the time the appliance is turned on again.

360 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Wrong code plug is inserted.

▶ Check the code plug is not damaged.

▶ Replace the code plug if required.

362 - Boiler identification module or boiler electronics faulty

Is not a fault.

• Service plug detected.

363 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Check and replace the ionisation cable.

▶ Check and replace the electrodes if required.

▶ Check and replace the control unit and/or burner control unit.

810 Hot water remains cold

▶ Reset the appliance and wait 24 hours

▶ Check the DHW valves,

▶ Check the 3-way valve, replace if necessary,

▶ Check that the tank is properly connected.

811 A Hot water heating: thermal disinfection failed

▶ If water is being drawn constantly, take action to stop this.

▶ Position the DHW temperature sensor correctly.

▶ Check that there is contact between the DHW cylinder temperature sensor and the cylinder.

▶ Vent the cylinder circuit.

▶ Set DHW heating to "priority".

▶ Check plate heat exchanger for calcification.

▶ Check sizing of DHW circulation line and heat loss.

1010 - No communication via EMS BUS connection

▶ Check the grey ribbon on far right of the PCB (low voltage connection).

▶ If using a Key control product check the Key connections (black, white, red, green) are plugged into the correct position on the PCB (under installer cover on the far right hand side, leaving one space to the BUS connection).

▶ Check that the Key is pushed fully home.

▶ Check the batteries of the room control.

▶ Check the bridging links are fitted at LR & 230 V out.

▶ For wired room controls check the EMS BUS Voltage to the remote control is 12 - 15V DC.

▶ Check the 230 V external wiring does not run alongside the BUS connections, thus causing interference.

▶ Replace the control unit

1013 W Max. combustion point reached

The service reminder message is present due to the maximum burner hours service threshold being reached.

▶ Carry out maintenance.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu.

1017 W System pressure too low

▶ Top up system water and vent the system.

▶ Check the voltage to the pressure sensor and the signal back from the pressure sensor.

▶ Replace the pressure sensor.

1018 W Maintenance interval expired

▶ Carry out maintenance.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu

1019 W Incorrect pump type detected

▶ Pump communication failure or wrong pump is fitted (i.e. non-ErP).

▶ Check the pump communication wire is connected and has continuity.

▶ Replace the pump for correct modulating pump.

1021 B Cylinder charging or hot water temperature sensor faulty

A 1021 error can only be cleared by powering the appliance off and back on again the hot water sensor has been changed if open or short circuit, or refitted to the pipe if it has fallen off.

▶ Check the domestic hot water temperature sensor is connected and the harness is fitted securely to the sensor.

▶ Check the resistance of the temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

1022 W Cylinder temp. sensor faulty or contact problems

▶ Connect the plug to the temperature sensor correctly.

▶ Connect the plug to the control device correctly.

▶ Check the temperature sensor, replace if necessary.

▶ Check temperature sensor connecting lead, replace if necessary.

1023 W Maximum run time including standby time reached

The service reminder message is present due to the maximum run time (boiler hours) being reached.

▶ Carry out maintenance.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu.

1037 W Outside temp. sensor faulty - heating backup operation active

Tip: Check the weather compensation is applicable and the menu has not been accidentally switched on in the menu.

▶ Check the positioning of the outside weather sensor.

▶ Check the weather sensor connections on the control board.

1065 W System pressure sensor faulty or not connected

▶ Check the plug is connected correctly to the pressure sensor.

▶ Check pressure sensor connecting leads for breaks or short circuits, replace if necessary.

▶ Check the pressure sensor, replace if necessary.

1068 W Outside temp. sensor or lambda probe faulty.

▶ Check the plug to the temperature sensor, connect correctly.

▶ Check connecting lead for break or short circuit, replace if required.

▶ Check temperature sensor, replace if necessary.

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace control unit if necessary

1070 W Maintenance is due on (dd.mm.yyyy)  please call your service engineer

Advanced service reminder warning. ▶ Check the maintenance menu.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu.

1071 W Maintenance is now due please call your service engineer

▶ Check the maintenance menu.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu.

1072 W Maintenance is overdue please call your service engineer

▶ Check the maintenance menu.

▶ Reset the maintenance code via the reset menu.

1073 W Short-circuit at flow temp. sensor

▶ Check the flow temperature sensor plug is connected.

▶ Check the resistance of the flow temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

▶ Replace the flow temperature sensor.

1074 W No signal from flow temperature sensor

▶ Check the flow temperature sensor plug is connected.

▶ Check the resistance of the flow temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

▶ Replace the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Replace the PCB.

1075 W Heat exchanger temp sensor short circuit

▶ Check the flow temperature sensor plug is connected.

▶ Check the resistance of the flow temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

▶ Replace the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Replace the PCB.

1076 W Heat exchanger temp sensor disconnected

▶ Check the flow temperature sensor plug is connected.

▶ Check the resistance of the flow temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

▶ Replace the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Replace the PCB.

2085 V Internal fault

▶ Reset the appliance.

▶ Switch off the appliance for 30 seconds and then turn back on.

▶ Check the incoming mains voltage.

▶ Check the polarity.

▶ Replace the PCB.

2908 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

▶ Restart the appliance to see if the problem re-occurs.

▶ If the fault remains after resetting: the burner controller (PCB) is defective and must be replaced.

2910 V Fault in flue system

▶ Check the flue for obstructions and remove any found.

▶ Check the flue integrity test.

▶ Check for water in the sump and check the siphon operation, clean if required.

2914 - Boiler electr. system fault

▶ Restart the appliance to see if the problem re-occurs.

▶ If the fault remains after resetting: the burner controller (PCB) is defective and must be replaced.

2915 V Boiler electr. system fault

The fan keeps running after the post purge.

▶ Reset the appliance.

▶ Create a heat demand to test the boiler's ignition sequence.

▶ Check the voltage to the fan and the continuity of the fan harness.

▶ Check the power modulation on the fan.

▶ PCB may be defective.

2916 V Boiler electr. system fault

Gas valve was detected as open during post-purge.

▶ Carry out a gas tightness test on the gas valve and replace if required.

▶ Check the voltage to gas valve.

▶ The gas valve or the PCB may be defective

2920 V Fault in flame monitoring

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Check protective earth conductor connections (PE).

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace control unit if necessary.

2923 V Boiler electr. system fault

Unexpected feedback from the modulating/current controlled gas valve.

▶ Check the voltage to the gas valve.

▶ Check the continuity of harness and replace if required.

▶ Check the resistance of the gas valve coils.

▶ The gas valve or the appliance electronics (control unit) may have a fault

2927 B Boiler electr. system fault

No ionisation detected after ignition.

▶ Check the main shut-off valve, open if necessary.

▶ Check the appliance isolation valve, open if necessary.

▶ Measure the gas supply pressure at the rated heat input. If necessary, shut down the appliance and check the gas line.

▶ Check flame sense electrode and connecting lead, replace if required.

▶ Check venturi/injector for potential blockage.

▶ Measure the ionisation current.

▶ Check the protective earth conductor connection (PE) in the control unit.

▶ Check the ignition cable for damage, replace if necessary.

▶ Check functionality of gas valve and replace if necessary.

▶ Check CO2 settings at min and max output

▶ Check flue system.

▶ Check combustion air supply.

▶ Check the heat exchanger on the flue gas side for deposits, clean if necessary.

2928 V Internal fault

▶ Restart appliance.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced, (replace control unit).

2931 V System fault boiler electronics / basic controller

Illegal instruction.

▶ Restart appliance.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced, (replace control unit).

2940 V System fault burner control unit

Low voltage.

▶ Restart appliance.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced, (replace control unit).

2946 V Incorrect code plug detected ▶ Check code plug, replace if necessary.
2948 B No flame signal with low output

Burner starts automatically after purging. This can be caused by strong winds. If this fault occurs frequently:

▶ Check CO2 settings.

▶ Check flue outlet position for effects of excessive wind pressure.

▶ Check flue integrity.

2949 B No flame signal with high output

May be caused by strong winds or flue gas recirculation. The burner starts automatically after purging.

▶ Check the flue integrity.

▶ Check the flue terminal position.

▶ Check the CO2 settings and adjust if necessary.

▶ Check the burner and the heat exchanger gaskets and the inner flue gaskets.

▶ Check the gas pressure during burning at full load (working pressure, dropping low).

2950 B No flame signal following starting procedure

▶ Check gas pressure whilst burning at full load.

▶ Check CO2 settings, adjust if necessary.

▶ Check Burner and heat exchanger gaskets.

▶ Burner restarts automatically after purging.

2951 V Loss of flame too many times

Maximum unexpected flame losses exceeded.

▶ Refer to the blocking error(s) that lead to this locking error. Check the fault history on appliance.

▶ Possible incomplete purging of gas pipe.

▶ Could also indicate a wide variety of issues such as undersized pipework or gas pressure dropping off, incorrectly routed condensate discharge, incorrectly sited flues, incorrectly wired etc.

2952 V Internal fault when testing the ionisation signal

▶ Perform reset.

▶ If fault persists, replace control unit.

2957 V Boiler electr. system fault

▶ Reset appliance electronics (factory reset).

▶ Check the electrical connections on the board (check for loose wires etc.).

▶ Replace the control unit.

2961 V No fan signal available

▶ Check the mains voltage to the fan.

▶ Check the fan harness for continuity and replace if required.

▶ Check the pulse width modulation (PWM).

▶ Replace the fan.

▶ Replace the PCB.

2962 V No fan signal available

▶ Check the mains voltage to the fan.

▶ Check the fan harness for continuity and replace if required.

▶ Check the pulse width modulation (PWM).

▶ Replace the fan.

▶ Replace the PCB.

2963 B The heat exchanger sensor or both supply and heat exchanger sensors are defect

▶ Check the flow through the appliance and the system is filled.

▶ Check for air locks in the system and purge if required.

▶ Check the heat exchanger sensor (primary thermistor) and the plug connected to temperature sensor.

▶ Check the resistance of the temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of the temperature sensor harness and replace if required.

2964 B Flow rate in heat exchanger too low

▶ Check the flow through the appliance and that the system is filled.

▶ Check for air locks in the system and purge if required.

▶ Check the heat exchanger sensor (primary thermistor) and the plug connected to the temperature sensor.

▶ Check the resistance of the temperature sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of the harness and replace if required.

2965 B Flow temperature too high

▶ System is not filled with water.

▶ No water flow, because CH system is closed.

▶ No water flow, because pump is not operating correctly.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system pressure.

▶ Check for air locks in the system. Purge if required.

▶ Check isolation valves.

2966 B Flow temperature rise in heat exchanger too rapid

▶ System is not filled with water.

▶ No water flow, because CH system is closed.

▶ No water flow, because pump is not operating correctly.

▶ Check pump is operating freely check voltage to pump.

▶ Check the isolation valves.

▶ Check for air locks in the system, purge if required.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system pressure.

2967 B The temperature difference between supply temperature sensor and temperature sensor at heat exchanger is too large

▶ Check the flow through the appliance and that the system is filled.

▶ Check for air locks in the system and purge if required.

▶ Check the isolation valves, ensure they are open.

▶ Check the pump is operating freely and check the voltage to the pump.

▶ Check the heat exchanger sensor and the flow sensor are making correct contact with the heat exchanger assembly/pipework.

▶ Check the heat exchanger sensor for break or short circuit, replace if required.

▶ Check the resistance of the supply sensor for break or short circuit, replace if required.

▶ Check the continuity of harness, replace if required.

2970 B Pressure drop in heating system too rapid

Too many unexpected pressure drops within a short time period. Cause code can appear if system is pressurised and the system then vented.

▶ Re-pressurise manually and vent the system.

▶ Ensure the correct pressure. If cause code does not clear, power off appliance.

2971 B System pressure too low

System pressure is very or extremely low. This is triggered when the pressure falls to between 0.6 and 0.3 bar. Top up water until the target pressure is reached.

Filling Loop

▶ Vent the heating system and top up water until the pre-set pressure reached.

Pressure sensor

▶ Check the continuity down harness for the pressure sensor and replace if required.

▶ Check the voltage at the pressure sensor and replace if required.

2972 V Mains voltage too low

▶ Establish supply voltage of at least 196 VAC.

▶ Replace control unit.

3071 -

Comfort + II RF

▶ Check the configuration (address setting). The selected setting requires a hard-wired room control.

▶ Check the EMS connection cable of the room control for damage. The BUS voltage on the room control must be between 12 and 15 V DC.

▶ Disconnect the EMS-BUS connection to the control unit and power the boiler off and back on again. Reconnect the EMS-BUS connection.

▶ If the problem persists the room control may be defective.

 Appliance Faults Remedy
Combustion noises too loud; rumbling noises

▶ Check the gas type.

▶ Check the gas supply pressure.

▶ Check the flue system; clean or repair if required.

▶ Check the gas/air ratio.

▶ Check the gas valve; replace if required

Flow noises ▶ Set the pump rate or pump characteristic map correctly and match to the maximum output.
Heat-up takes too long. ▶ Set the pump rate or pump characteristic map correctly and match to the maximum output.
Flue gas values incorrect; CO content too high.

▶ Check the gas type.

▶ Check the gas supply pressure.

▶ Check the flue system; clean, repair or replace if required.

▶ Check the gas/air ratio.

▶ Check the gas valve; replace if required.

Delayed ignition, poor ignition.

▶ Check the ignition transformer function for misfiring in the Function check menu Ignition test, replace if required.

▶ Check the gas type.

▶ Check the gas supply pressure.

▶ Check the power supply.

▶ Check the electrodes with cable; replace if required.

▶ Check the flue system; clean or repair if required.

▶ Check the gas/air ratio.

▶ For natural gas: check the external gas flow monitor, replace if required.

▶ Check the burner, replace if required.

▶ Check the air/gas ratio control valve; replace if required.

Condensate in air box ▶ Check the non-return valve in the burner hood assembly, replace if required.
System boilers: hot water outlet temperature is too low ▶ Check the cylinder temperature setpoint.
System boilers: no hot water. ▶ Check the external controls function; replace if required.
No function, the display remains dark.

▶ Check the electrical wiring for damage.

▶ Replace defective cables.

▶ Check the fuse, replace if required. One spare fuse is supplied.