Worcester Greenstar 18i System Erp Boiler Fault Codes

 Display Text Fault Code

Cause Code

Description Possible Solution


Service tool has been connected In the blocking error history menu it records if the service tool has been connected
Electrical interruption fault Fd


The power has been interrupted during a lockout

▶ Check locking error history:

– Lockout fault will always be last code before FD code.

▶ Reset the appliance

Fan/Airflow fault C7


Fan does not run during the start up phase

▶ Check:

– Fan harness and connector.

– 230 Vac across brown and blue wires.

– Fan operation, replace if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Fan/Airflow fault C6


Fan speed too high

▶ Check:

– Fan harness and connector.

– Fan operation, replace if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Fan/Airflow fault C6


Fan speed too low

▶ Check:

– Fan harness and connector.

– Fan operation, replace if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Fan/Airflow fault C7


Fan has stopped during appliance operation

▶ Check:

– Fan harness and connector.

– 230 Vac across brown and blue wires.

– Fan operation, replace if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Fan/Airflow fault C1


Fan stopped during operation

▶ Check:

– Fan harness and connector.

– 230 Vac across brown and blue wires.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Fan/Airflow fault C4


Continuous fan operation for the last 24 hours (appliance temporary blocked) ▶ Check if demand has been calling for the 24 hours. Appliance has been blocked from firing for a minimum of 2 minutes as it has been operated continuously for 24 hours.
Flow sensor fault E2


Flow temperature sensor shorted

▶ Check:

– Sensor harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Flow sensor fault E2


Flow temperature sensor disconnected

▶ Check:

– Sensor harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Flow sensor fault E9


Primary Flow temperature exceeded 95 °C

▶ Check:

– Primary system water pressure.

– For air in the system

– Circulation within heating system.

– Wiring and operation of the pump and flow temperature sensor, replace part/s if necessary.

Flow sensor fault E2


Flow temperature sensor shorted

▶ Check:

– Sensor harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Flow sensor fault E2


Flow temperature sensor disconnected

▶ Check:

– Sensor harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Gas valve fault FA


Ionisation detected after the gas valve closed.

▶ Inspect the ionization probe, replace if necessary.

▶ Check that the condensate is discharging.

▶ Check 230Vac across blue & orange wires to the coils.

– Replace gas valve if no voltage.

– Replace control box if there is voltage.

Ignition/Ionisation fault EA


No ionisation detected after ignition

▶ Check:

– The dynamic gas pressure.

– The flue system for restrictions.

– The gas-air ratio (if possible).

– Connectors of the ignition unit.

– Ignition and ionisation current.

– Ignition unit for damage or wear, replace if necessary.

– Gas valve operation.

– Appliance for contamination.

Ignition/Ionisation fault F7


8 Ionisation current detected before burner-start

▶ Check:

– Condition of the ionisation probe.

– Connection of the ionisation probe.

– Condensate is discharging correctly.

– Replace parts if necessary.

Ignition/Ionisation fault EA


Loss of ionisation signal during operation

▶ Check:

– The gas-air ratio.

– The dynamic gas.

– Wiring and connection of flame probe.

– Replace flame probe necessary.

Ignition/Ionisation fault EA


HCM potentially defective

▶ Reset the appliance. If continues to go to this error

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– HCM number.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error 9U


Control box or HCM is defective or loose

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Replace HCM if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error C4


Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Replace HCM if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error F0


Gas valve or control box error

▶ Check:

– Gas valve coils: 230V ac across blue & orange wires.

– Replace gas valve if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error F0


Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Replace HCM if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error F0


Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error b7 257 Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error





Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error F1 259 Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error F0 262 Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error F1 263 Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

Internal error F0 272 Control box or the HCM is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Replace HCM if necessary.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error F0 280 Control box is defective.

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the control box.

▶ Replace control box if necessary.

Internal error F0 290 Control box is defective, (Analogue / Digital converter reference error).

▶ Check:

– HCM is inserted properly.

– Connections of the burner control.

▶ Replace burner control if necessary.

Internal error 328 Internal error (Mains voltage / frequency may be inconsistent) ▶ Check the voltage and frequency.
235 Incompatible HCM software version

Revised HCM software requires latest version of control box to operate correctly

▶ Replace the control box with the latest software. On the barcode label of the burner control the software version is indicated.

356 Low mains voltage, (the voltage may be interrupted or inconsistent). ▶ Check mains voltage.
360 HCM invalid

The inserted HCM does not correspond with the control box. HCM must be within the same appliance type.

▶ Check the correct HCM is fitted.

– HCM identification number found in Technical data table.

A8 361 HCM invalid

The inserted HCM does not correspond with the control box or HMI type.

▶ Contact technical helpline.

363 Ionisation measuring fault ▶ Check earth harness’s and connections
356 Low mains voltage, (the voltage may be interrupted or inconsistent). ▶ Check mains voltage.
CC 800 Outdoor sensor defect (available when accessary outdoor sensor is connected)

▶ Check:

– Sensor harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

Pump error A1 281 Pump stuck or running dry

▶ Check:

– Primary system water pressure.

– For air in the system.

– Circulation within heating system.

– Wiring and operation of the pump, replace if necessary.

Temperature fault E9 224 Flue or high limit thermostat activated (safety circuit)

▶ Check:

– Flue & high limit thermostat harness and connector.

– Operation, replace if necessary.

– Circulation within heating system.

– Burner gasket for leakage of flue gasses, replace if necessary.

– Heat exchanger for debris.

– Air-gas ratio.

Temperature fault D4 341 Primary flow temperatures rising too fast

▶ Check:

– Primary system water pressure.

– For air in the system.

– Circulation within heating system.

– Wiring and operation of the pump and the respective sensors, replace if necessary.