Worcester 2000 25C Boiler Fault Codes

 Code Category Description Remedy
200 O The device is in central heating mode. -
201 O The appliance is in DHW mode. -
202 O The appliance is in optimised switching mode: the interval for restarting the burner has not yet expired ( service function 3-b2). -
203 O The appliance is on standby, there is no heat demand. -
204 O The current flow temperature is higher than the set flow temperature. The burner has been switched off. -
207 - Operating pressure too low.

▶ Fill and vent the system, check the system for leaks.

▶ Replace pressure sensor if necessary.

208 O The appliance is in chimney sweep mode. Chimney sweep mode is deactivated automatically after 30 minutes. -
212 - Temperature increase for safety or flow temperature sensor too fast. ▶ Open the shut-off valves.
214 V The fan stops during the safety time. ▶ Check fan, replace if necessary. ▶ Check mains voltage.
215 V Fan too fast.

▶ Replace fan.

▶ Mains voltage must correspond to the default value.

▶ Check PCB and fan harness, replace if necessary.





Flue gas temperature limiter or heat exchanger temperature limiter has tripped.

If the blocking fault persists for a prolonged period, it becomes a locking fault.

▶ Check position of isolation valve in heating circuit, open if required.

▶ Check water pressure, if necessary top up until the preset pressure is reached.

▶ Check the temperature limiter and connecting lead of the heat exchanger for breaks, replace if required.

▶ Check the flue gas temperature limiter and the connecting lead for breaks, replace if required.

▶ Vent appliance with service function 4-A1 ( page 48).





No flame detected.

After the 5th ignition attempt, the blocking fault becomes a locking fault.

▶ Check whether the gas isolator is open.

▶ Check the gas supply pressure.

▶ Check ionisation signal.

▶ Check the power supply.

▶ Check the electrodes with cable, replace if required.

▶ Check the flue system, clean or repair if required.

▶ Check gas/air ratio, adjust if necessary.

▶ Clean heat exchanger.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check burner setting, correct if necessary.

228 V Flame signal is present although burner is switched off.

▶ Check if there is a flame present.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace if necessary.

229 B Flame lost during burner operation.

▶ Check the main shut-off valve, open if necessary.

▶ Check the appliance isolation valve, open if necessary.

▶ Measure the gas supply pressure at the rated heat input. If necessary, shut down the appliance and check the gas line.

▶ Check flame sense electrode and connecting lead, replace if required.

▶ Check venturi/injector for potential blockage.

▶ Measure the ionisation current.

▶ Check the protective conductor connection in the control unit.

▶ Check the ignition cable for damage, replace if necessary.

▶ Check functionality of gas valve and replace if necessary.

▶ Check burner setting value at rated heat input.

▶ Check burner setting value at the lowest output.

▶ Check flue system.

▶ Check combustion air supply.

▶ Check the heat exchanger on the flue gas side for deposits, clean if necessary

232 B Heat source locked by external switching contact.

▶ Connect the plug for the external switching contact.

▶ Install jumper/check condensate pump according to manufacturer's specifications.

▶ Adapt switching point of the external temperature switch to the system.

▶ Replace connecting lead to the external temperature switch.

▶ Replace external temperature switch.

233 V Fault in code plug or appliance electronics.

▶ Check whether code plug is installed.

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace if necessary.

234 V Electrical fault in gas valve.

▶ Check the connecting lead, replace if required.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

235 V Version conflict between appliance electronics and code plug.

▶ Check software version of appliance electronics and code plug.

▶ Replace appliance electronics or code plug.

237 V System fault.

▶ Check and replace code plug.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

238 V Appliance electronics faulty. ▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.
242 V System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset control appliance / burner control unit - factory reset.

▶ Reconnect electrical connections at control unit / burner control unit correctly.

▶ Replace the control unit/burner control unit.

244 V System fault, appliance electronics / basic controller.

▶ Reset control unit / burner control unit - factory reset.

▶ Reconnect electrical connections at control unit / burner control unit correctly.

▶ Replace the control unit/burner control unit.





Internal burner control fault.

▶ Reset burner control - factory reset.

▶ Check electrical connections of burner control.

▶ Replace burner control.














System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance electronics - factory reset.

▶ Check electrical connections.

▶ Replace the appliance electronics.

256 V System fault, appliance electronics / basic controller.

▶ Reset control unit / burner control unit - factory reset.

▶ Reconnect electrical connections at control unit / burner control unit correctly.

▶ Replace the control unit/burner control unit.

258 V Internal fault in control unit.

▶ Reset control unit - factory reset.

▶ Reconnect electrical connections at control unit correctly.

▶ Replace control unit.







System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance electronics - factory reset.

▶ Check electrical connections.

▶ Replace the appliance electronics.

264 B Air feed failed during operating phase.

▶ Reconnect the fan plug properly, perform reset.

▶ Replace fan.

▶ Mains voltage must correspond to the default value.

▶ Remove any blockages in the flue system.

▶ Check venturi/injector for potential blockage.

265 BC Heat energy demand lower than energy supplied. -
268 - Component test mode. Not applicable, is status message.
269 V Flame monitoring.

▶ Reset appliance electronics - factory reset.

▶ Replace the appliance electronics.

▶ Check flame sense electrodes and connections.

▶ Check earth connections.

270 BC The heat source has started up. -
273 O Operation interrupted: safety inspection following 24 hours of continuous operation. -


Test code plug detected. -
281 - Pump stuck or running dry.

▶ Replace the pump.

▶ Vent the system.

▶ Check operating pressure.

▶ Check low pressure switch.

▶ Check pump connections (hydraulic and electrical).

305 BC Boiler cannot start temporarily following DHW priority. System appliance only.
306 V After switching gas off: Flame is detected.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Replace the appliance electronics

323 - Control communication fault. -
328 V Mains voltage briefly interrupted. ▶ Check for voltage interruption between electrical wiring system of the building and the appliance
341 B Heat source temperature increase too rapid.

▶ Open isolation valves.

▶ Connect plug to pump.

▶ Replace pump.

▶ Ensure circulating pump is set on Constant speed mode - curve III.

342 BC Temperature increase in DHW mode too rapid.

▶ If the water pressure is too low, top up with water and vent the system.

▶ Open service valves in the cylinder charging circuit.

▶ Replace the diverter valve / cylinder primary pump.

350 B Flow temperature sensor short circuit.

▶ Check and replace flow temperature sensor and harness  Section 13.2.1.

▶ Check and replace the connecting lead to the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Check and replace control unit/burner control unit.

351 B Flow temperature sensor failure.

▶ Connect the plug to the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Check and replace flow temperature sensor and harness  Section 13.2.1.

▶ Check and replace the connecting lead to the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Check and replace control unit/burner control unit.

356 B Supply voltage for heat source too low. ▶ Establish supply voltage of at least 196 VAC.
357 BC Venting program
358 BC Active anti-seizing function. Blocking protection for the heating pump and diverter valve active
360 V Incorrect code plug ▶ Check code plug, replace if necessary.
362 V Service code plug detected. ▶ Check code plug, replace if necessary.
363 V System fault, appliance electronics: fault when testing the ionisation signal.

▶ Check earthing connections.

▶ Reset appliance electronics, replace if necessary.

364 V Solenoid valve EV2 leaking.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

365 V Solenoid valve EV1 leaking.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

604 V System fault, burner control unit.

▶ Reset appliance - factory reset.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced.

810 - DHW temperature has not increased for 2 hours.

▶ Prevent water from escaping.

▶ Position DHW temperature sensor correctly.

▶ If no voltage can be measured, then the MC10 control panel is faulty and must be replaced.

▶ If power is being supplied to the DHW cylinder charge pump but it is still not running, it is faulty and must be replaced.

▶ If power cannot be supplied to the DHW cylinder charge pump, then there is a problem in the cable between the control panel and pump. Check screw terminals and cables.

▶ If current is not being supplied to the 3-way valve, there is a problem in the cable between the control panel and valve. Check screw terminals and cables.

▶ If current is being supplied to the 3-way valve but it is still not working, the valve is faulty and must be replaced.

▶ If a voltage of approx. 230 V is measured at the terminals and the pump is not running, the pump is faulty and must be replaced.

▶ Eliminate all faults in the cables. Vent if necessary.

▶ Replace the pump if there are any deviations whatsoever.

▶ Set the DHW heating to “Priority”.

▶ If readings are different to the values in the table, replace the sensor.

815 R Faulty low loss header temperature sensor.

▶ Check the sensor port.

▶ Check the temperature sensor for incorrect installation position or breakage.

1013 R Maximum combustion point reached.

▶ Check plausibility of displayed cylinder temperature.

▶ Check plug-in connectors and cable harness for contact.

▶ Replace cylinder temperature sensor.

1014 - Ionisation current is too low. -
1017 R Water pressure too low.

▶ Check water pressure, if necessary top up until the preset pressure is reached.

▶ Check pressure sensor, replace if required.

1018 W Service time expired. ▶ Carry out maintenance.
1021 R DHW temperature sensor faulty

▶ Check plug, connect correctly.

▶ Check installation position of temperature sensor, mount correctly if required.

▶ Check temperature sensor, replace if necessary ( Tab. 36, page 75).

▶ Check connecting lead for breaks or short circuits, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

1022 - DHW temperature sensor is faulty -
1023 R Maximum operation time including standby is reached. ▶ Perform inspection.
1065 R Pressure sensor faulty or not connected.

▶ Check plug, connect correctly.

▶ Check pressure sensor, replace if required.

▶ Check connecting lead for breaks or short circuits, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

1068 R Outside temperature sensor faulty.

▶ Remedy contact problem.

▶ Replace the sensor.

1073 R Flow temperature sensor short circuit

▶ Check flow temperature sensor, replace if necessary.

▶ Check connecting lead for short circuits, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

1074 R No signal from the flow temperature sensor.

▶ Check plug, connect correctly.

▶ Check flow temperature sensor, replace if necessary.

▶ Check connecting lead for breaks, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

1075 R Short circuit in heat exchanger temperature limiter.

▶ Check heat exchanger temperature limiter, replace if required.

▶ Check connecting lead for short circuits, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

1076 R No signal from heat exchanger temperature limiter.

▶ Check plug, connect correctly.

▶ Check heat exchanger temperature limiter, replace if required.

▶ Check connecting lead for breaks, replace if required.

▶ Check and replace the appliance electronics.

2051 - Internal fault.

▶ Disconnect power from the system for 30 seconds.

▶ Check and replace control unit.

▶ Notify customer service.





Internal fault in burner control unit.

▶ Reset appliance.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced.

2909 - System fault, appliance electronics / basic controller ▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit or Key (including interconnecting leads) is faulty and must be replaced.
2910 V Fault in flue system.

▶ Check whether a flue system is connected, install if required.

▶ Check for unobstructed cross-section of flue system, remove deposits if required

2911 - Calibration failed. ▶ Replace faulty component.
2912 - No flame signal during calibration. ▶ Replace faulty component.
2913 - Flame signal too low during calibration. ▶ Check and replace flame sense electrodes (and interconnecting leads).
2914 - System fault, appliance electronics. ▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the appliance control unit is faulty and must be replaced.
2915 V System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the control unit is faulty and must be replaced.

2916 V System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance.

▶ Trigger heat demand.

▶ End heat demand. If the fault persists, the control unit is defective and must be replaced.

2917 V No flame signal when checking the combustion control.

▶ Disconnect power and then reconnect.

▶ Trigger heat demand.

▶ Wait 5 minutes.

▶ If the fault re-occurs within that time, reset the appliance without disconnecting the supply voltage.

This triggers a calibration of the ionisation circuits.

▶ If the fault is still present after the calibration, the control unit is faulty and must be replaced.

2918 - Fault in the flue. ▶ Clean the siphon and drain water out of the appliance (gas side).
2920 V Flame monitoring fault.

▶ Check electrodes and connecting leads, replace if required.

▶ Check earthing connections.

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace if necessary.

2921 B The appliance is in test mode ( Menu 5, page 49). -
2922 - Internal burner control fault. ▶ Check and replace control unit.





System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance - factory reset.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the appliance electronics are faulty and must be replaced.





System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Check the gas valve, replace if required.

▶ Check appliance electronics, replace if necessary.

2927 B No flame detected during ignition.

▶ Check the main shut-off valve, open if necessary.

▶ Check the appliance isolation valve, open if necessary.

▶ Measure the gas supply pressure at the rated heat input. If necessary, shut down the appliance and check the gas line.

▶ Check flame sense electrode and connecting lead, replace if required.

▶ Check venturi/injector for potential blockage.

▶ Measure the ionisation current.

▶ Check the protective conductor connection in the control unit.

▶ Check the ignition cable for damage, replace if necessary.

▶ Check functionality of gas valve and replace if necessary.

▶ Check burner setting value at rated heat input.

▶ Check burner setting value at the lowest output.

▶ Check flue system.

▶ Check combustion air supply.

▶ Check the heat exchanger on the flue gas side for deposits, clean if necessary

2932 - Internal fault. ▶ Restart the appliance.









Internal fault in burner control unit.

▶ Reset appliance - factory reset.

▶ If the fault persists following a reset, the burner control unit is faulty and must be replaced.

2941 B Insufficient flow rate in heat source.

▶ Check plug of flow temperature sensor, connect correctly if required.

▶ Check flow temperature sensor, replace if necessary.

▶ Check pump for blockage, clear if required.

▶ Check pump settings, correct if required.

▶ Check water pressure, if necessary top up until the preset pressure is reached.

2942 - No fan speed feedback.

▶ Connect plug for speed control to the fan.

▶ Connect plug for power supply to the fan.

▶ Check fan harness.

▶ Check and replace control unit

2943 - Mains voltage too low ▶ Establish supply voltage of at least 196 VAC.
2945 V Too many short heat demands in a short time.

▶ Reset appliance - factory reset.

▶ Increase restart blocking time.

▶ Make sure that at least one thermostatic valve is open.

▶ Check and replace faulty heating pump.

▶ Check diverter valve functionality, replace if necessary.

2946 V Incorrect code plug. ▶ Check code plug, replace if necessary
2947 R Anti-seizing function is activated. The function stops automatically.
2948 B No flame signal with low output.

The burner restarts automatically after purging.

▶ Check CO2 settings.

2949 B No flame signal with high output.

The burner restarts automatically after purging.

▶ Check burner gaskets, replace if required.

▶ Check CO2 settings.

2950 B No flame signal following starting procedure.

▶ Check CO2 settings, adjust if necessary.

▶ Check Burner and heat exchanger gaskets

▶ Check gas pressure during burning at full load

▶ Burner restarts automatically after purging

2951 V Loss of flame too frequent.

▶ Refer to the blocking error(s) that lead to this locking error. Check the fault history on appliance.

▶ Possible purging of gas pipe incomplete.

▶ Could also indicate a wide variety of issues such as pipework undersized or gas pressure dropping off, incorrectly routed condense drains, incorrectly sited flues, incorrectly wired etc.

2952 V Internal fault when testing the ionisation signal.

▶ Restart appliance to see if problem re-occurs.

▶ If the fault remains after resetting, the burner controller (PCB) is defective

2953 B No flame signal with low output.

The burner starts automatically after cleaning (purge).Possible cause high winds.

▶ If the fault occurs repeatedly, check the settings of the CO2 values.

▶ Check Flue integrity.

▶ Check flue terminal.

2954 B No flame signal with high output.

Burner restarts automatically after purging.

▶ Check and replace burner gaskets.

▶ Reduce burner load.

▶ If the fault occurs repeatedly, check the settings of the CO2 values.

▶ Check Flue integrity.

▶ Check flue terminal.

2955 B The heat source does not support the specified parameters for the hydraulic configuration.

▶ Check hydraulic configuration, correct if necessary.

▶ Check menu L2, default setting 0 required.

2956 O Hydraulic configuration at the heat source is activated. -





System fault, appliance electronics.

▶ Reset appliance electronics.

▶ Check electrical connections.

▶ Check and replace the control unit.





System fault, appliance electronics. ▶ Check and replace the control unit and code plug.





No signal from fan.

▶ Check mains voltage to fan.

▶ Check fan harness for continuity, replace if required.

▶ Check the Pulse width modulation (PWM).

▶ Check and replace the fan.

▶ Check and replace the PCB.

2963 R The signal from the heat exchanger temperature limiter and flow temperature sensor is outside the permissible range.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system is filled.

▶ Check for air locks in the system. Purge if required.

▶ Check Heat exchanger sensor (primary thermistor) and plug connected to stat.

▶ Check resistance of stat. Replace if required.

▶ Check continuity of harness. Replace if required.

2964 B Insufficient flow rate in heat exchanger.

▶ Supply sensor is not assembled on the supply pipe.

▶ Supply sensor does not make proper contact to the supply pipe.

▶ System is not filled with water.

▶ No water flow, because CH system is closed.

▶ No water flow, because pump is not operating correctly.

2965 B Flow temperature too high.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system pressure.

▶ Check for air locks in the system. Purge if required.

▶ Check isolation valves.

2966 B Flow temperature increase in heat exchanger too rapid.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system pressure.

▶ Check for air locks in the system. Purge if required.

▶ Check isolation valves.

▶ Check pump is operating freely, check voltage to pump

2967 B Temperature differential between flow temperature sensor and heat exchanger temperature limiter is too great.

▶ Check flow through appliance and system filled.

▶ Check for air locks in the system. Purge if required.

▶ Check isolation valves.

▶ Check pump is operating, check voltage to pump.

▶ Check heat exchanger sensor and flow sensor are making contact with the pipe work.

▶ Check heat exchanger sensor and resistance of stat. replace if required.

▶ Check continuity of harness. Replace if required.

2968 - Refilling of system in progress. Not applicable in the UK/IE
2969 - Maximum number of refills reached. Not applicable in the UK/IE
2971 V Operating pressure too low.

▶ Vent the heating system.

▶ Check water pressure, if necessary top up the system pressure.

▶ Check pressure sensor, replace if required.

2972 V Mains voltage too low ▶ Check mains supply voltage on appliance L and N connections.
2973 - System fault, appliance electronics / basic controller

▶ Perform reset - factory reset.

▶ Check and replace control unit.

2974` - Internal error

▶ Restart the appliance and check if fault remains.

▶ Check and replace control unit.