Vaillant Ecotec Exclusive 832 Boiler Fault Codes

Vaillant Boilers
 Code Meaning Cause
F0 Interruption feed temperature sensor (NTC): NTC faulty, NTC cable faulty, faulty plug connection on NTC, faulty plug connection on the electronics
F1 Interruption return temperature sensor (NTC): NTC faulty, NTC cable faulty, faulty plug connection on NTC, faulty plug connection on the electronics
F10 Short-circuit in feed temperature sensor Sensor plug has mass short to the casing, short-circuit in wiring loom, sensor faulty
F11 Short-circuit in return temperature sensor Sensor plug has mass short to the casing, short-circuit in wiring loom, sensor faulty
F13 Short-circuit on heat retention storage tank sensor Sensor plug has mass short to the casing, short-circuit in wiring loom, sensor faulty
F20 Safety temperature limiter actuated Flow probe not connected thermally correct or defective, appliance does not shut down
F22 Dry fire Too little water in the appliance, water shortage switch defective, cable to pump or water shortage switch defective, pump blocked or defective, pump output too low
F23 Water shortage, temperature spread between flow and return probe too large Pump blocked or defective, pump output too low, flow and return sensor swapped over
F24 Water shortage, temperature rise too quick Pump blocked, low output from the pump, air in appliance, system pressure too low
F25 Interruption in cable harness Cable harness faulty
F27 External light: Gas solenoid valve defective, flame detector defective
F28 Appliance does not start: Attempts to ignite during start failed

Faults in the gas supply such as:

- Gas meter or gas pressure detector defective

- Air in gas

- Gas flow pressure too low

- Main gas cock closed

Faults in the gas fitting, wrong gas setting, igniter (ignition transformer, ignition cable, ignition plug) defective, ionisation current stopped (cable, electrode), faulty earthing in appliance, electronics defective

F29 Flame goes off during operation and subsequent ignition attempts failed Gas supply temporarily stopped, ignition transformer has spark failure, faulty earthing of appliance
F32 Speed deviation Fan Fans blocked, plug not inserted correctly on fan, hall sensor defective, fault in cable harness, electronics defective
F49 eBUS undervoltage Short-circuit on eBUS input, eBUS overload or two power supplies with different polarities on the eBUS
F61 Gas valve control faulty Short-circuit to mass in cable harness to the gas valves, installation fault on gas valve (short-circuit, mass short in the coils) electronics faulty
F62 Gas valve shutoff delay defective Gas fitting leaking, electronics defective
F63 EEPROM faulty Electronics defective
F64 Electronics/sensor fault Short-circuit in flow or return sensor or electronics defective
F65 Electronics temperature too high Electronics too hot due to external effect, electronics defective
F67 Flame monitor input signal is outside the limits (0 or 5 V) electronics defective
F70 No valid appliance variant for display and/or electronics Spare part case: Display and electronics changed at the same time appliance variant not re-set
F71 Constant value feed NTC Feed NTC faulty
F72 Flow and/or return sensor fault Flow and/or return sensor is faulty (tolerance too great)
F73 Signal water pressure sensor in the wrong range (too low) Line to water pressure sensor is interrupted or has a short-circuit to 0V or water pressure sensor faulty
F74 Signal water pressure sensor in the wrong range (too high) Line to water pressure sensor has a short-circuit at 5V / 24V or internal fault in water pressure sensor
F75 No sudden change in pressure was detected on turning on the pump Water pressure sensor or/and pump defective Too little water in the appliance; check adjustable bypass; Connect expansion vessel in return; Air in the appliance
F76 Interruption in cable harness Cable harness faulty
F77 Condensate pump or return signal from accessory module heating Condensate pump faulty or return signal from the exhaust gas flap has responded
con No communication with the printed circuit board Communication fault between the display and the printed circuit board in the switchgear box