BAXI EcoBlue 24 Heat Boiler Fault Codes

BAXI Boilers
Error Codes
Operation status and error codes are displayed on the “chimney sweep” button (3) on the control panel. In normal operation this button is illuminated and goes off for a time once periodically.
When normal operation is interrupted for some reason this button will turn off and flash on a number of times periodically. The colour and number of flashes displayed is dependent on the boiler status or fault condition.
The orange LEDs will flash at EVERY heating demand. The number of flashes will correspond with the output of the boiler as shown in the table. e.g. 4 orange flashes = 21kW. This is normal and does not indicate a fault condition.
“Error” or auto reset conditions (Green flashes on “chimney sweep”)
The following table describes the conditions that may result in a blocking signal being displayed.
The boiler will try to re-start several times, and normal operation will resume once the blocking condition has been eliminated.
Should the conditions persist the boiler may go into lock-out (see following section)displayed if there has been a flame failure during normal operation.

Status Signal



Remedial actions by service engineer
1. Flash Green Temperature Protection

• Maximum flow temperature exceeded

• Flow temperature rise rate too high

• Excessive difference between flow and return temperature

• Check system circulation & pump operation

• Check demands for boiler operation (switched live operation)

• Check temperature setting

• Check temperature sensors in boiler

2. Flashes Green Shutdown Input • BL terminals on User Interaction Controller are open circuit

• If condensate pump is wired to these terminals check operation of condensate pump

• Check wiring to BL terminals (link present or connections to external device correct)

3. Flashes Green Flame Loss • No flame detected during operation

• Check gas supply is turned on and gas is available if on a pre-payment meter

• Check flue condition

4. Flashes Green Communication Fault

• Bad connection or wiring fault

• Internal communication fault

• Check wiring/connections between boiler and User Interaction Controller and within the box

• If necessary replace control/fan assy

5. Flashes Green Parameter Fault

• Parameter error or faulty PU

• Configuration error or PCB fault

• Replace PU and recommission

• Replace control/fan assy

6. Flashes Green Miscellaneous • Internal fault in combustion control unit

• Replace combustion control unit


Lock-out conditions (Red flashes on “chimney sweep”)
The following table describes the conditions that may result in a lock-out condition and red flashing signal being displayed.
To reset a lock-out condition press and hold the reset button until the fault indication flashes rapidly and goes out.
NOTE: a lock-out condition can be re-set up to 5 times within one hour using the reset button. Any repeating fault should be fully investigated and appropriate remedial actions taken by a Gas Safe registered service engineer.
 Status Signal Description Possible causes Remedial actions by service engineer
1. Flash Red Sensor Error

• Bad connection to flow or return temperature sensor

• Fault with flow or return temperature sensor(s)

• Low or no flow through boiler

• Reverse flow through boiler

• Check connections to temperature sensors/PCB and condition of wiring loom

• Check resistance of temperature sensors

• Check pump operation and system circulation

2. Flashes Red High temperature protection

• Over-temperature thermostat on heat exchanger activated

• No water flow through heat exchanger

• Over-temperature thermostat fault or bad connection (open circuit).

• PCB over-temperature condition

• Flue fault resulting in recirculation or activation of air pressure switch (if fitted)

• Check connections to and operation of O/T thermostat and air pressure switch (if fitted) and PCB and condition of wiring loom

• Check system pressure or that system is not air-locked

• Check pump operation and system circulation

• Check flue condition

3. Flashes Red Ignition fault

• No ignition • No flame detected following ignition

• False flame signal detected

• Repeated loss of flame detected

• Check earthing of the appliance • Check ignition electrode condition and clean/replace if necessary

• Check gas valve operation

• Check flue condition

• Check correct combustion/gas valve settings

• Check condensate drain for blockage

4. Flashes Red Fan fault

• Fan calibration error

• Fan failure

• If fan operates, check flue installation and condition.

• Replace control/fan assy

5. Flashes Red Parameter fault

• Bad connection to PU

• Parameter error or faulty PU

• PCB and condition of wiring loom

• Replace PU and recommission

6. Flashes Red Miscellaneous

• Bad connection or wiring fault internal or external to the boiler

• Parameter error

• Communication error

• Check all wiring connections are correctly made

• Using a service tool or Recom software check all parameter settings

• If necessary replace PU and/or control/fan assy