What Is A Proper Boiler Service?

Boilers are a great way to stay warm during the winter months, but they will only do their job if you give them the attention they need. Here are some points your GasSafe registered engineer will consider when servicing your appliance. 


It's important to note that a proper boiler service should be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer. This is because:

  • The appliance must be suitable and adjusted for the type of gas being supplied.

  • We're able to deal with any problems that might occur during your installation or use of your boiler or water heater, as well as helping you choose the right one for your home in the first place.


The location of your boiler is an important consideration for safety and performance. It should be located in a well-ventilated area that is away from any combustible materials or sources of ignition such as heaters or tumble dryers.

The boiler should also be installed at least 750mm (30in) away from any walls, windows, doorways, skirting boards and furniture to allow for adequate ventilation on all sides.


Ventilation is the process of exchanging air in a room with fresh air from outside. This exchange keeps us healthy by reducing pollutants such as carbon monoxide and other combustion products. Ventilation also helps keep rooms comfortable through temperature control, provides fresh air for odour removal, and allows for the use of better filters.

A proper ventilation system should be able to operate automatically without you having to think about it or make adjustments during installation.


Flueing is the term used to describe the piping that carries exhaust gases away from your boiler. The flueing system is made up of:

  • The chimney system

  • The appliances connected to it, such as an oil fired boiler and a gas fired boiler

The flueing system must be maintained regularly and inspected annually, while you are having your annual boiler service. It’s important that this part of your heating system be checked at least once per year so that any problems can be identified and dealt with beforehand.

Operating pressure

A boiler should operate at a pressure that is stable, constant, and measured by a gauge. The operating pressure is the amount of work being done by the boiler. It is necessary to know this information because it helps you determine whether or not your heating system needs repair.

Every boiler has an operating pressure range that's referred to as its "pressure/temperature rating". This rating indicates how much heat can be generated from your boiler at varying pressures and temperatures before it begins to fail. If your heating system is working properly, you'll need to take measurements inside of this rating in order for it run properly for years without having any issues!

Heat input

Heat input is a measure of how efficient your boiler is. It’s measured in kilowatts (kW) or British Thermal Units (BTUs). The more heat your boiler produces, the higher its heat input rating will be.

The efficiency of a boiler will depend on a few factors, including:

  • The quality and type of materials used during manufacture

  • Whether it operates under controlled conditions or free-flowing piping system

  • How well it has been maintained

Combustion performance

  • Combustion performance is the efficiency of the combustion process. It is measured by the amount of carbon dioxide produced per unit of heat input, and expressed as a percentage.

  • Combustion performance is an important part of maintaining a boiler, and must be regularly checked. If your boiler was installed more than 10 years ago then it's likely that its combustion performance has deteriorated over time due to wear and tear on components such as burners and heating surfaces.

Flame picture

A flame picture is the result of the flame's shape and colour. It can tell you a lot about the boiler's efficiency and condition. A flame picture is affected by the fuel, combustion air, and combustion products.

A properly operating burner will show:

  • A blue-white tube shaped body with an orange tip at its base (blue-white means it looks like it’s on fire)

  • The colour of its tip should be a deep yellow/orange (otherwise known as “yellowing” which indicates too much carbon monoxide being produced)

  • Its tip should have no black or dark spots (indicating incomplete combustion or incorrect fuel burning)

Signs of Distress

A proper boiler service includes cleaning and inspecting all of the components that make up your heating system for signs of damage or rusting. Any leaks or corrosion should be repaired at once to prevent further damage from occurring to your building structure or personal health!

Stable and Secure

A certified professional will examine all major components to ensure they are in good working order, including:

  • The boiler itself (including its pressure relief valve) - physically stable, securely fitted and properly connected to other gas fittings

  • The burner assembly and controls

  • The flue pipe

The biggest takeaway for an article about boiler maintenance would be that having a professional service on it regularly will help ensure that it functions properly and is safe to use.

You should always trust the person who is servicing your boiler. It is then the legal responsibility of any gas engineer to notify the responsible person of any defects that have been found.

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